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至急です!中2です!英文採点をお願いしたいです! Today, I had a Christm...

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至急です!中2です!英文採点をお願いいです!至急です!中2です!英文採点をお願いいです! Today, I had a Christmas party with my family. In the party, we enjoyed various things. For example, we ate a special dinner. I helped cook the dinner. I made a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree. My family was happy. After dinner we played a game. The game’s name is Super Mario Party. The game was very fun. After that, I got a present from my parents. It was a hairbrush. I was very happy. I said thank you to 下記の英文は中学2年生のレベルとはほぼ問題ありません。。



オリジナル文 Today, I had a Christmas party with my family. In the party, we enjoyed various things. For example, we ate a special dinner. I helped cook the dinner. I made a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree. My family was happy. After dinner we played a game. The game’s name is Super Mario Party. The game was very fun. After that, I got a present from my parents. It was a hairbrush. I was very happy. I said thank you to them. 修正版①(最小限の修正) Today, I had a Christmas party with my family. At the party, we enjoyed various things. For example, we ate a special dinner. I helped cook it. I made a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree, and my family was happy. After dinner, we played a game. The name of the game is Super Mario Party. It was very fun. After that, I got a present from my parents. It was a hairbrush, and I was very happy. I said “thank you” to them. ポイント 1. 「In the party」→「At the party」 「~でパーティーを」と言う場合は、at か during を使うほうが自然です。。

2. 名詞の重複を避ける 「I helped cook the dinner. I made a salad…」の部分で、2回目の “the dinner” を “it” に置き換えています。。

3. 「The game’s name is …」→「The name of the game is …」 どちらも文法的に誤りではありませんが、後者のほうがより自然です。。

修正版②(少し流れをよく例) Today, I had a Christmas party with my family. We enjoyed a lot of activities at the party. First, we ate a special dinner, and I helped cook it. I made a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree, which made everyone happy. After dinner, we played a game called Super Mario Party, and it was very fun. Then, my parents gave me a present: a hairbrush. I was really happy and thanked them for it. ポイント • 文をつなげて自然な流れに 「We enjoyed a lot of activities at the party. First, we ate a special dinner…」など、つなぎの言葉や副詞を使うと読みやすくなります。。

• “which made everyone happy.” のように関係代名詞を使うと、文がスムーズにつながります。。

全体の評価 • 文法: 大きな間違いはほとんどありません。。

• 単語の選択: 中学2年生の英作文とは十分です。。

• 改善のポイント: 「前置詞」や「関係代名詞」、つなぎの言葉(_First, Then, After that_など)を上手く使うと、英語らしい自然な文章になります。。


頑張ってくださいね!このはいかがでか? AIからのお助け 3(Anthropic)英文全体とは、文法的な大きな間違いはありません。。


Today, I had a Christmas party with my family. → 適切です。。

In the party, we enjoyed various things. → "at the party" の方が自然です。。

For example, we ate a special dinner. I helped cook the dinner. → 適切です。。

I made a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree. → 適切です。。

My family was happy. → 適切です。。

After dinner we played a game. → "After dinner," または "After that," に続けて "we played a game." とカンマを入れると良いでしょう。。

The game's name is Super Mario Party. → "The name of the game was Super Mario Party." の方が自然な表現です。。

The game was very fun. → "The game was very fun." または "It was a lot of fun." の両方が適切です。。

After that, I got a present from my parents. → 適切です。。

It was a hairbrush. → 適切です。。

I was very happy. I said thank you to them. → 適切です。。



